Our club meets quarterly to brew, talk about brewing, get better at brewing, and share our homebrew with one another.
We are based in Topsham, Maine. Want to get in touch? Want to join us in the fellowship of brewing? Start with an e-mail! We can be reached at “info {at} top-fc {dot} org”.
Benefits of Membership
- Drink Free Homebrew!
- Enjoy the comraderie of fellow brewers at our Club Meetings
- Stay in touch, share recipes, get advice through the club Email List
- Share in the discount potential of making Bulk Purchases for ingredients
- Participate in our Club Events
- Benefit from the advice and experience of the members to Become a Better Brewer
- Borrow the Club Equipment
Free Homebrew
At each of our quarterly meetings, we brew something. Then, at the next meeting, we drink it! It’s really pretty simple.
Club Meetings
Our club meetings are relatively informal gatherings. We start things off with sharing whatever we brewed together at the last meeting. Then if there is any club business, we’ll have a simple agenda to work through. The rest of the meeting is spent talking brewing, maybe doing a demo of some technique, maybe working through a “problem fermentation” scenario! We might sample somebody’s homebrew, or critique a commercial beverage that is of interest. Very open ended, very casual, all about sharing experiences and enjoying each others’ company.
Email List
The email list is a great resource! It is used for club announcements, for members to ask questions and get advice, and to discuss techniques and brew. Only active members may join the list.
Club Events
Above and beyond the club meetings, we also intend to plan several events during the year. There will be an annual Beer-B-Que, various brewing demonstrations, and the chance to get TIPS certified.
Membership Dues
$36 per year.
Top-FC is a 501(c) (7) organization, meaning we are a tax-exempt “social or recreational” club, which serves its members! Almost all our funding must come from our members, and one of the ways we do that is through membership dues.
The funding is used to put together our club events, cover insurance, and handle all those little administrative costs that creep up on any organization (web hosting, for example!). We plan on having other fundraising efforts (club t-shirts, custom pint glasses & tasting glasses, and so on) so that we can purchase handy pieces of equipment that an individual might not consider worth the expense. A pH meter runs over $100, and a digital gravity meter runs over $300! Maybe not worth buying for yourself if you only do a little homebrewing, but if you could simply borrow one for your brew day or for getting data when you keg or bottle, you get all the benefits of nice tools without the cost!